


Megaforce - Amiga CallDetailsCaseRow
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megaforce .È. flashes back .on your screen ... .and we present amiga call. ...
it was easy to do cause no protection .loads our brains !!! what a pity !!!. 
hey control our mfc logo ... press help and then .f1 : f6 for different
rotations !!!!    . warning ... we have no members in denmark or .holland !!!! 
our members are from austria : ger.many : france and u.s.a !!! . okay okay i
know that you like to see the greetings.  so megaforced megagreetings to : all
official and real mega.force members wolrdwide ... then to:  . trilogy. . ipec
elite . beastie boys . plasma force . w.izzard . 4fcg . powerstack of
amigavision . no.1. of antrax . the special brothers . tfc of the dimension
. imp 666 . disector and the chip d.uo . and all the others !!!!           now
end o.f transmission ......   bye bye .....

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