


Cray - Demo 2DetailsCaseRow
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cray   $proudly presents   demo 2 ! $coded by    sharp   $and     zeke   $in the
year of 1988. today it's the 7th of march and yesterday we coded cray demo 1.
guess what we will do tomorrow.   demo 3 ? $we will anyway try it. what about
this charset ? isn't it heavy ? now we have had @the amiga hardware reference
manual@ for 2 weeks and 1 day and we are making things better and better for
every day. if you're looking for the greetings they will come now. ok. here they
come. greetings to:   the vikings (motorola 4042, cedric, aze, trinity, fred,
exterminator, propen, zonzo, triac, renegade, the devil),   the warlocks (def,
abc),   north star (atom, starfire, rex, crab, hedda, liberator, foetus),  
heptagon (sjs, cli),   cocacola crackers,   barbarian crew (conan),   tronix
(garfield, gonzo),   flash (maybe, soon, a member of cray.).   and now, dear
frends, we will tell you the sectret about the new the @bite bandit@ virus (how
to destroy it and how it works)...first we'ill tell you how to check if you have
the virus on a disk. 1. reset the computer.   2. put the disk you want to check
in the drive with the write protect on and hold down ctrl and d.   3. wait for
@break - cli**@.   4. take out the disk and push it back again.   if the message
@disk is unreadeble, use diskdoctor to corect it@ ocurs, then the disk is
infected by the @byte bandit@ virus. and now if you want to kill the virus, then
do like this:   1. load diskwik.   2. put the infected disk in the drive with
the write protect off.   3. jump to block 0 (press @jump@ and @00000000@).   4.
put the ascii window on (press @ascii@).   5. fill the first five lines with
points (exept for the four first chars @dos.@ !!!).   6. write it to the disk.  
7. install the disk from cli.   8. put the write protect on to be safe from
other virus.   that's all you have to do.   now over to the fuckings. fuckings
to:  byte bandit  ;  tarje  ;  breding  ;.   and also a message to byte bandit. 
        ;;;;;;;;;;$   another message goes to     4042   $ what about this ?
nothing to complain about..or..or..or?   if you want to contact us then call:
magnus @sharp@ jacobsson,  063-43330 $ (sweden) or to anders @zeke@ hansson, 
063-43867 $ (sweden).   that was all from us. bye bye

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.