


Digitech - BonedemoDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
hello world/              ÿyou are lucky/     cause you have just entered the
first demo <lets call it bonedemo= by          ð              the elf/  ñ     
                         ð                ÿ a new member of digitech          
  coding; ripping and graphics by the above;   muzak by the citizen of horizon. 
ok; i  suppose you dont wanna read all the bullshit in this scroll so i will
tell you whats acoming:                ð1:    ñ      ð           ÿ      
personal greetings and messages  <no global greets this time=            ð2:   
ñ      ð        ÿ       tjurbajs about the coding of this shit           ð3:
   ñ          ð        ÿ       how to get the source and datafiles to this
demo/          but first; personal greet...  ð       noooo/   ñ               
  ð             ÿwatch out/ the bugs are acoming/ü        oh god; i couldnt
stop thoose little assholes. hope you can stand them.      ok.  personal
greetings to:          ðkluttas/  ñ                 ð        ÿ     yep; my
first demo/    you did not believe i would ever finish it; did you?   well; it
took me half a year/     greet me in your coming demos; would ya? you dont have
to be ashamed; nobody has to know that we know each other/          ðspirit/ 
ñ             ð        ÿ        you are          þ  u g l y  ñ          ÿ 
    the same thing goes for you:          ðpsyko/   ñ                    ð   
       ÿ      but your situation is even more critical than sprits and kluttas/
     i cant see why you aint a member of      u f a   ñ       ÿ    i guess you
must be overqualified/         <and of course megagreets to the rest of the
superb  p h e n o m e n a/=         ð   star 242/  ñ                        
ð          ÿ    <top swap member=   have you kicked any turks lately???       
  ðgalactus  ñ              ð            _      ñ                           
                                       ð               ÿ what was that
bullshit about not giving me a copy of devpac 2.12?       oh yes; now i remember
your motto/   a new dimension of swapping///        it is easy to see what that
new dimension brings us...     keep the stuff and dont spread it///         
ðmutant/  ñ                ð              þ are you  >  or what?          
ÿ        ok, normal greets to some of the rest of the pack <no order=:     ÿ  
   horizon guys/      nice meeting you/          atomic intelligence guys/     
nice meeting you too/          all guys whoose name ive forgoten/   <that
includes you=  feel greeted/     .everybody else:      hope to see you soon/    
       and at last: ofcource hi to all members of digitech/     just like to
know you a little better...           oh yeah; i forgot;   do like this:  black
out your room and press and hold           ðf1 key/  ñ                        
ð            ÿto get distorted sound and a nice powerlamp effect/     it is a
side effect of the debugging; i light the lamp when i start blitting the iqlizer
colors; then i put it out when ive finished the blittings. the result is a
lighter lamp the more i have to blit; and the color blit time  is dependant of
the iqlizer height. that gives a brighter lamp the more volyme thats running in
the speakers/  quite nice.        oh well... that was the traditional crap. now
for some coding details:     as you must have guessed by now, the iqlizers are
sprites; the stars drawn in the bitmap and the skeletons  <@=  are bobs.   the
waves are done with blitted modulo. the spritecolors are blitted once for every
iqlizer.     but if the moon is inverted modulo and the iqlizers are sprites;
how the hell can they be affected by the modulo???    they aint.  i reuse the
sprites under the wateredge by copying them from the sprites above water and let
the waves affect them while copying.   as you surely must have guessed this is
extremely cpu heavy;  and the colors are blitted once for every iqlizer
reflection too/      the glow effect in the intro picture was done with the
copper; one of my first routines.  i aint using no sinus values for the sprite
movements; it is all calculated during runtime. totally, there are a maximum of
27 blits every vertical blank. many of them really heavy with formulas like þab
plus a<not=c ; thats the iqlizer colors; and ac<not= plus a<not=b plus cb ;
thats the skeleton blit.ÿ  do i have any rastertime left? figure it out
yourselves/  ofcourse i have to run in supervisor mode.well; if you wanna put
your hands on the source and datafiles of this demo; all you have to do is to
send a disk and 10kr   o r rather only a disk with some new nice sourcecodes;
to:         ðquick/   ñ             ð        ÿ get some bleedin paper/      
  þ  f r e d r i k  o r i n i u s        ÿ<now please try spelling that right;
motherfuckers/=          þ   r ] k i n g e s t i g e n  1 4          5 9 0  6 0
 l j u n g s b r o        ÿ of cource in sweden/         you will have your
disk back as soon as possible.     or if you just wanna call for a chat or
whatever; <digitech members more than welcome=:   call:        þ0 1 3   6 3 3 3
8    repeat   0 1 3  6 3 3 3 8     ÿi guess thats all bullshit for this time.
see you later in another demo; hopefully soon <im not such a fast coder; yet...=
      now exit before it all bugs out//     ð   seeeeeee yaaaaaa///////        
           ð        ÿ                                         ok; you can see
the whole font...      þabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz[\]?;:.<>@=_  ÿ          text
goes on a new charge/                          glopp/////////

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.