


Amaze - DreaminShow AllDetailsCaseRow
Text Writer
   to a new amaze
    intro called
   d r e a m i n '
released on societys
parties 7-9.6.1991!!

   c r e d i t s :
 code ...... breeze
 gfx ........ zenda
 music .... ukulele
 font ......sector9

our memberlist (sf):
daddy freddy, df0:,
epidemic, zenda, pmb
arcticfox, breeze,
ukulele, worm, topaz

airwolf, bandog,
defrone, blockbrain,

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.