


Bloodsuckers - Another Spectre Party ReleaseDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
yooohoooooooooo this is yet another ns spectre party release from bloodsuckers<
credits for this one goes to mann for code und gfx= scy for fonts and dr awesome
of crusader for muzac< you can stop the scroll with the right stuff< huora
perkele anna vittua tai tapan<<< hoffi of bloodsuckers still try kicking ahead
in there fucking copy party ::::: muu muu vittua kun nukuttaa<<< eh really fun
to drink tea here in ns och spectre data conference oh nakki= my tea was too
strong and it came out< big brown eye is watching our steps :persereika: haa i
am not only one who puke< you do it also mann= hohohoho strong karlsberg is
watching our dry throuts aaaahhhhh< fucking lamers < never piss to my ear again
oh fucken ducken gotta move to toilet again< okay this is mann shaking these
keys again<  last night i discovered that the heating of this fuckin place is
not working< lattialla on hauska nukkua< joopa moskis ja loiskis sano : : : : : 
its now 8<05 am and some sleep now could save the day< news flash;;;; i just
heard that the north star dude who runs this show has jumped to paranoimia so
this is now spectre and paranoimia party< the booze break seems to be in order
iamnowsittingandtypingsomescrolltexthihihihiii herre ar hoffi again< olen ma
janne manne vaan ja juon mita vaan< yrjo lentaa kakka housussa muna suussa ja
juon ma mita vaan ;;;;;;  do not sensure this text mann or ::::::::::: gotta go
mix my coke in toilet< c>u> ok its mann again and i would like to say<<<<< drop
your dick to meat carractor hoffi< olen pieni hoffi vaan ja uiskentelen kusessa 
olen pieni hoffi vaan ja uiskentelen lirissa  no kato niinpa teet< molskista
vaan sinne pyttyyn ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ok thats the fuk fuk stuff< heres some party
bull<<<<<<<<< to come to think of it you can read it all from skulllll demu cos
this is going to be crunched right now ;;;;;;;;

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.