
Released in 1993-12


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8 Results (151-158 of 158): Released in 1993-12 (Calendar View)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Classic Seek & Destroy Cracktro 1993-12-23 e Y Cr  907bc8de 10741
Fairlight Settlers Cracktro 1993-12-14 e Y Cr  f47aeebb 10766
Crystal Simon the Sorcerer Cracktro 1993-12 e Y 4626b6b9 13219
Paradox Simon the Sorcerer Cracktro 1993-12-08 e Y 6935dad8 5735
Crystal Simon the Sorcerer AGA Cracktro 1993-12 e Y 3e361fb5 13220
Zenith Stardust Cracktro 1993-12-01 e Y Cr Tag  9f4aed60 8586
Paradox Tube Warriors AGA Cracktro 1993-12-28 e Y 2c392e44 5730
Ram Jam Charts 08 Chart 1993-12-04 d Y 0c86407f 6350
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