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13 Releases: Iris New Year conference 1992 @ Nesles, France (1991-12-27 to 1991-12-28)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Devils Colors Trackmo 1991-12-28 d Y P  11f43d6b 1505
Analog First Blood Trackmo 1991-12-28 d Y P  71566ae6 1112
Angels Sunrise Trackmo 1991-12-28 d Y P  546bae5d 1160
Newtype One Man Slideshow Slideshow 1991-12-27 d Y P Tag  4caf0617 13694
The Special Brothers Iris Party Pack Pack 1991-12 d Y P  8697
Concept 3D Editor v1.1 Intro Intro 1991-12-27 e Y P  60372bf2 10985
Iris New Year Conference Invitation 2 Intro 1991-12-12 e Y P  9c0fe607 4404
(independent) Ted Krotzen - Demolition Intro 1991-12-28 e Y P  153dad96 10984
Alliance Design Box Job Game 1991-12-28 e Y P  54ee2a9b 10986
Solaris Blaze of Glory Demo 1991-12-28 e Y P Tag  7156
Spirit (new) First Dentro Demo 1991-12-28 e Y P  7267
The Special Brothers Fooling Around Demo 1991-12-28 e Y P Tag  a480ff4b 7726
Dreamdealers Inner Vision Demo 1991-12-28 e Y P Cr Tag ocs 0c382a77 1969