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9 Results: Search "Leo" (Title)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Alpha Flight Leonardo +2 Trainer 1989-06-05 e Y Cr  d4d77e8f 2334
(independent) Napoleon - Dial or Die Intro 1993 e Y Tag  d86bfd15 14111
Digital Chameleon Demo 1992-05 a Y Tag  n/a 9343
Neutron Dance The Great Balls of Leonid Demo 1989 e Y 1b77e4fc 5353
Quadlite Leodemo Demo 1989 e Y 719293a1 6282
The Champs Galileo v2.0 Cracktro 1988 e Y 51503b42 9278
Accumulators Limes & Napoleon Cracktro 1989-12-23 e Y Txt  0ef3f8ba 14957
Black Monks Limes and Napoleon Cracktro 1990-01 e Y e63e7bdf 11838
Crystal Napoleon War Cracktro 1991-09-27 e Y 8a4d4b53 3348