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9 Results: Search "Masterpiece" (Title)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
The Timecircle Short Masterpiece Intro 1990 e Y 7915
Mystic Nightmasterpiece Musicdisk 1993 d Y 1929ec06 5269
Kefrens Masterpieces Slideshow 1992-11-27 d Y e5c7c0c2 4550
Apex (old) Masterpiece of Computer Arts Demo 1990 e Y c815edb0 2576
Avenger Masterpiece Demo 1989 e Y Tag  0217b51d 9708
The New Masters Masterpiece Demo 1988 e Y 0ce2186f 17885
Storm Masterpiece Demo 1989 e Y 04fc82a4 7398
E&L Another Masterpiece of Coding Demo 1989-08-13 e Y P 0.5mb 8763
Wizzy Another Masterpiece Intro 1992 e demomaker-crap 9059b723 12796