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50 Results (1-50 of 9685): Search "S" (Title)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Da Jormas Major Release Demo 2004-08-07 e Y P  9258
Boozoholics Solskogen 2004 Invitation Intro 2004-05-30 e Y P  29669065 8937
Creators Music from the Crypt Musicdisk 2003-11-02 d Y 68020 / ks2.0 a15eee65 8464
Spaceballs Lost in Otaniemi Intro 2003-08-02 e Y 0e0f0d61 7506
Ninja Gefilus Ninja in the Shower Intro 2002-08-08 e Y P  fe35c48a 9502
El Crew Compusphere 13 Invitation Intro 2002 e Y A  5137
Melon Dezign Jessica Intro 1999-08-18 e Y coop with TRSI 8ebfbbe1 5122
Extreme Spain Dust Intro 1999-07-25 e Y P A  9125
Iris Flash Final Version Intro 1999-07-11 e Y P A  4e67b250 4417
Ninja Gefilus Super Intro 1999-04-11 e Y P  a6035b69 9503
Iris Fast Intro Intro 1999-03 e Y A  7aa8eab3 4416
(independent) Lasa - Plutonium 2 Intro Intro 1999 e Y 4605
Appendix Possible Intro 1999 e Y A 8mb fast 2585
Potion Raos Intro 1999 e Y A coop with Weeds 5982
Scoopex Eclipse Demo 1999 e Y fc83d948 6775
Spaceballs Sci-Fi Intro 1999 e Y A 8mb fast 2af36c45 7245
Unique (new) Irish Socks Demo 1999 e Y P A  8167
Cascade Cascade Intro Sampler 1 Pack 1998-11 d Y Co Tag  49277633 3078
Cascade Cascade Intro Sampler 2 Pack 1998-11 d Co  f8e609f0 3079
Damones Assembly 1998 Intro Intro 1998-08-09 e Y P A  fdd7b003 1592
Limbo Fantastic Four Go Shopping Demo 1998-06-14 e Y Cr Tag  2ef32013 4753
Iris 3rd Dimension Intro 1998-04-12 e Y P A 4mb fast b846ea5d 4414
Appendix Psychol 12 Musicdisk 1998 e Y A  2589
Appendix Psychol 13 Musicdisk 1998 e A  2590
Lightforce Shadow of the Third Moon v1.1 Cracktro 1998 e Y A  4741
Nerve Axis Sentinent Ore Intro 1998 e Y A  5338
Ozone Reserve Intro 1998 e Y A  5631
Ozone Symbiosis Intro 1998 e Y A  5632
TEK Electrons at Work Trackmo 1998 d Y 7637
Damones Productions 1991-1997 Pack 1997-12-12 d Y Co E  a52586a6 6124
Faction Superfrog +8 Trainer 1997-11 e Y 09f28a33 15927
Limited Edition Henriques Choclate Intro 1997-11 e Y A  3d74a37d 4794
Limbo Rescue 911 Fixed Version Demo 1997-08 e Y P Cr Tag  a75b6476 329
Iris Deep Bass Nine BBS Intro Intro 1997-03-15 e Y A  db13fb8a 4418
Iris World of Chips 05 Musicdisk 1997-03-15 e A  faf361dd 4421
Lightforce Chaos Engine 2 AGA Cracktro 1997-01-21 e Y 6b9f56bd 15956
Appendix Psychol 11 Musicdisk 1997 e Y A  2588
Appendix Spawn Intro 1997 e Y A FPU, 8mb fast 2584
Appendix Up n'x Compo Version Intro 1997 e A  2592
Bronx Split 5+2 BBS Intro Intro 1997 e Y 2mb 77b3b045 16244
Contraz Brunostalgia Intro 1997 e A  3266
Lightforce Shadow of the Third Moon Cracktro 1997 e Y A  4740
Lightforce Strangers AGA Cracktro 1997 e Y A  4742
Nah-Kolor Speed 27 Pack 1997 d Y A  a246c8eb 16266
Nah-Kolor Speed 28 Pack 1997 d A  47493fbc 16265
Nexus PL Insomnia Intro 1997 e Y A  c92c11ab 16246
Red Rats Short Intro 1997 e Y A fpu 6528
Scoopex Superautodrome Intro 1997 e Y A  41d42d2c 6827
Abyss DOS4GW Musicdisk 1996-12-29 e Y P A  3db661cd 2124
Gods Prism Intro 1996-12-29 e Y P A  2668f58d 4076
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