
Tag: Chiptune


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50 Results (51-100 of 139): Tagged with "Chiptune"
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Noxious Legal Kaoz Preview Intro 1992-12 e Y Tag  3a75b67e 5479
No Limits Back Pack 01 Intro Intro 1991-03-05 e Y Tag  f1924135 14610
No Limits Limited Edition 03 Pack 1990-02-10 d Y Co E Tag  c2766135 14379
Network BBS Intro Intro 1991-12-01 e Y Tag  a7d9edf7 5344
Network Stratos Vibratos Musicdisk 1991-10-18 e Y Tag  2aa6d40f 5348
Nerve Axis Cuban Intro 1993-09-01 e Y Tag  5328
Nemesis World Cricket Cracktro 1991-12-20 e Y Cr Tag  7ecc0d71 14894
Mute 101 Mutilated Disk 02 Intro Intro 1990-11-19 e Y Cr Tag  e0cd6994 14527
Movement Ting Intro 1993-08-01 e Y P Cr Tag  22034508 5226
Miracle Kid Gloves Trainer 1990-03-28 e Y Cr Txt Tag  d29c163a 17701
Miracle New Stuff Intro Intro 1990-09 e Y Tag  9994baf3 5169
Mellow The Undiscovered BBS Intro 1994-06 e Y Tag  5114
Magnetic Fields Copper Mosaic Demo 1990-04-07 e Y P Tag  7929fd83 4950
The Magic Guild Party Intro Intro 1994-05 e Y A Tag  64fc1983 13729
The Magic Arts Cybergammon Cracktro 1990 e Y Tag coop with Analog d74c3900 14450
Limbo Eighteen Intro 1994-06-08 e Y Cr Tag  ab142e51 4746
Limbo Knight Rider Intro 1993-11-02 e Y Cr Tag  a943ffa6 4750
Limbo Rescue 911 Fixed Version Demo 1997-08 e Y P Cr Tag  a75b6476 329
Limbo Three Men and a Glenz Vector Intro 1993-08-01 e Y P Cr Tag  243472fe 4744
Lego The Real 40k Intro 1993-12-29 e Y P Cr Tag  e85f2584 4670
Leader Productions Ja seuraavaksi jänisosasto Intro 1992-11-19 e Y Tag  cde13f40 17042
Laser Dance Peace Intro 1992-06-02 e Y Tag  794ce6bd 4623
Kronical Retro Chips 1 Musicdisk 1994 e Y Tag  4596
Kefrens The Death of Kefrens Intro 1991 e Y Cr Tag  11ed5d52 16866
Kefrens Graphics Are None Intro 1992-06 e Y Cr Tag  29325f8f 4565
Jism Cave Maze Cracktro 1991 e Y Tag  d19b6d33 14306
Interactive Elementary Force BBS Intro Intro 1993 e Y Tag  f1223845 12338
Hoodlum Fears Cracktro 1995-04-23 e Y Tag  cd086776 14187
Hoodlum Gloom Cracktro 1995-07-21 e Y Cr Tag  5576d2c6 14188
Hoodlum Impossible Mission 2015 ECS Cracktro 1994-05-26 e Y Cr Tag  a3dd8945 13439
Genesis Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Cracktro 1990 e Y Cr Tag coop with Angels 95e9612d 4006
Focus Design A000 Intro Intro 1994-06-26 d Y P A Tag  8f4b1f91 13742
Fisc Delicatessen Preview Intro 1993 e Y Tag  2d5ebf81 13170
F Team The Mini Jumper Intro 1990 e Y Cr Txt Tag  89a75c8e 14968
Exotic Men Chaos und Ordnung Musicdisk 1993-09 e Y P Cr Txt Tag  eabbf27c 3774
Essence D Intro 1993-12-29 e Y P Cr Tag  6decc386 3721
Esprit Metal's Intro Intro 1992-06 e Y Tag  628e933e 16521
Elevation Died Intro 1993-11 e Y Tag  3308100e 17277
Dual Crew Hoyle's Book 2 Import Cracktro 1990-08 e Y Cr Txt Tag  eb68e1f1 14905
Dreamdealers Toyzareus Intro 1993-12-29 e Y P Cr Tag  4db79dfe 1972
Digital Access Rave Demo Demo   e Y Tag  dbbc3268 13926
Digital Symposium 1992 Invitation Demo 1992-08-31 e Y P Cr Tag  f1358137 1858
Diamonds and Rust Goblins 2 Cracktro 1992 e Y Tag  5c6e5ebd 14183
Devils Alpha Wave Trainer 1991 e Y Tag  1688eca0 14487
Destiny Quick BBS Intro Intro 1993 e Y Tag  07be607f 14825
Delight Genesia Preview Cracktro 1993-10-13 e Y Cr Tag  01b0a2b1 14314
Delight Guardian Heroes CD32 Cracktro 1994-10-11 e Y Tag  d416fcc6 13995
Decay Hot Warez Intro 1990 e Y Tag  cd3f847c 14711
Dark Demon Digital Candy BBS Intro Intro 1995 e Y Tag  13c9587b 13697
Cytax ICE 02 Intro Intro 1991-03 e Y Tag  7800c6c0 13859
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