


Impurity - AsphaltShow AllDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text (Main Scroll)
                                               skrutt of
impurity..................proudly presents a new
may i first of all declare that i, skrutt is no longer cross as i used to
be.....ok lets go on with the demo........ were back!! the men behind the
computers... almost anyway... well, if you keep on reading this scroller we will
tell you a nice little story... but i will not tell what it will be about...
hahahaha... so keep on reading... first of all, the credits....... coding by me,
skrutt..........the very very great music by.........mad freak...... he is no
more a member of impurity! very very cool graphics by...... panic and
skrutt!!!..... panic is no member of impurity any more..... scrollwriting and
other stuff done by members of impurity!.......special note... try pressing the
mbutton!!!..............................................................first my
own scroller in english...... personal greetings will be very small since i
really dont bother to greet you this time. well anyway, i must send my love to
malin.... now over to.... you know...... the greetings!!!!!....... they goes to
mimmi........ oliver of rebels...... ozone of rebels...... uzi and turbobrain
and skallen and cad and and and.... of d-mob...... kaktus and mahoney and dragon
and foetus of northstar...... zeus of shining......... proton of scoopex......
riggs of empire...... nergal of omicron...... dave and mantronix of razor and to
those i dont know their groups.... so, greetings jas, ed, buddha and rune
grammadsen!!                  the small story you have been waiting for... here
it comes...  you kneoowqw.qwe qwer. vbd dfjs gdacvzjoipbvc.,nv,Å??w. ??3 ewq cx
??........... aint i right?? hope the scroller works because it only works
sometimes... well lets go into the hyperspace.. so lets

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.