


The Flame Arrows - Joined ForcesShow AllDetailsCaseRow
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t.f.a. & crash src . have joined forces and are on the way to the top !!!   but
that's not the meaning of this little intro...       the meaning of this intro
is to present you our bbs's in holland and italy.... so ya guyz can give them a
call !!!             call our whq -> total confusion :        +31-35-855918   .
our italian hq -> acient dreams :      +39-0825-71710  . or our support bbs ->
bundy's place :      +31-72-157930  . for the greetz ya must read the lower
scroller...  well all bbs's are 2400 buad and higher !!!  little note : watch
not to long the storm stars routine otherwise ya become        m a d .         
end of text. .

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