


TGM Crew - Our Latest IntroDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
hooollliahhoolla                 here is tgm-crew get in touch with your screen
!!!     ****** we are proud to present you : ***  our latest intro  *** spread
at 23.06.88 by   (t)c   |4   this intro and the music is a product of arts 
written b the golden fingers of l lord performer artworx l our master-coder (i
think we can call him master-coder) !!! if you have not the same oppinion, than
read the following letters, typed in by l *********   yep! here i am ! i'll give
you now some hints about the intro and the special effects of it 
******************   the user, in this case you, has complete control over what
happens on his screen! (that should more often be the case, yep?) the whole top
row, and the row under (inclusive) the key "del" is interactive:                
 we begin at the left with the key @esc":           press @esc" to switch the
priority of the bob-moving to the forground or the background of the logo (hard
work with the @miniterms@ of the blitter!!).  press f1 to f5 to control the
speed of the vu-meterc ... press f6 to switch on / off the bob-movings ... press
f7 to stop / start the music (great tune, yep?) ... press f8 to show / hide the
logo, if you are tired watching it ... press f9 to @turbo" the vu-meter (!) ...
and finally press @del", if you want to stop the letter for a moment, because
you must piss / shit / fuck / ....                      press the "cursor-up"
key, to @inverse" the vu-meter, and every time, you hit "cursor-down", you
normalize it!  hit "cursor-left", to increase the music-speed and touch
"cursor-right", to decrease it! everytime, you reach the normal speed, the
screen shows a flash! (if you like this flash, you can get it by pressing
@help"!) but be warned: if you play too much with the music-speed, the music
could crash! in this case, or not in this case, you can reset the music by
pressing @backspace"! (but sometimes this does not work either... then the only
chance to listen to this perfect music (by l!) is to load this intro again
(intro auch by l!) ) ! ! !              up to this chars, the letter belongs to
the programmer... now, to complete this stunny intro,       the keyboard belongs
to exciter and topas (tgm-crew's swappers)....                  now a message to
: zeronine *** gsg 9 *** brainwalker *** *** vision factory *** and of @course@
garfield of gca of swi of sharks of tgm of bfbsc !!!!! at the day,when tgm-crew
consists 1 year, we will make a very big party !!! (10 persons ha ha ha !) i
hope you all will come to this great day !!! but we will call you before !!!
special hello's  z e r o n i n e  ...   continue your great work and send it to
me (exciter)  *** some special hellos to executer !!! (kein scherz !)  ***   now
the handshakes of tgm-crew to all (?) our contacts (we are very sorry if you are
missed but we have to renew our greetings-list)          halllioooaaas to :
abc-killer *** ackerlight (continue this speed) *** alien sex fiend (funny name)
*** alpha flight (your 'cj' is better than ever before) *** american wildcats
*** amiga industries  *** axxess (didn't you think, that there is too much in
your new intro ?) *** bandits (cool name rolex !!) *** bfbs (billig fahren
bringt spass !! hi garfield ! just kidding !) *** beyond force ***  blizzard
crew *** b r a i n w a l k e r cascade (sorry wolfgang !!) *** catlon crew ***
cool *** cornflakes freaks *** critters (hope you spend ruhpolding in good
health !!) *** defjam (where is your speed ?) *** dexion (d'ya like the song ?)
*** der stuerrrrrrmer (heil) *** die aerzte *** *** d.o.c  (hi unknown ! lpa
want to meet you !) *** ece crew *** fast team *** fbi *** fst *** gbc *** gca
***  goffy crackings (maybe a @disney-freak@ *** goonies of amiga i.c.e. (don't
send only your collections !) *** g s g  9  of  o k s  i . d . *** hero ***
hutch byte *** hti (australia) *** jungle command (was mach rambo?? ha...sorry..
little joke..) *** karsten obarski *** kongoman of phr-crew (was macht ein
tuerke in einer bratpfanne ?????????????...........uecl bruecl.....) ***
mantronix *** mr.ego *** neonsoftcrew *** *** oks import division *** omicron
*** phr-crew *** powerslaves *** powerstation of sinners *** quadlite *** risky
business boys *** sciff *** serodommoc *** sft *** shut berlin *** sito ***
slayer *** skylight *** solosoft *** s t a c k *** startrek *** *** tbo (and the
orginals....????) *** the dark angles *** the dreamer (falco) ***  *** the
copper crew (why do you not send back) *** the bit boys ( sorry that it took so
long time !) *** the light circle (duke available in the next month ?) *** tnm
*** tib *** tnd *** toc *** trilogy and coca cola crew (oh...i mean seven up..)
*** tristar *** tsa crew *** tsk crew *** tvv of sinners *** twizt *** ugf-crew
*** v i s i o n - f a c t o r y  (i like our callings .. what about to meet ?)
*** w.o.d. *** zentact *** zyron ***  so...that's enough for this time !!! here
is our memberlist ...we lost the shit great hobbit because he got a shock from
his computer while doing nothing.......members are still crying... rest in
peace...signed by all members of tgm crew.....exciter (swapping) *** exolon
(graphics) *** lord performer artworx (master-coder and music-artist) *** the
fate (swapping) *** the frog (programming....coca-cola and chips buyer) ***
topas (coder and swapper) ***************  do you want to get in touch with us ?
always swapping the latest stuff ?? than write to the adress i'll give you now  
 plk    |3     a011150  |7    6072    |5    dreieich |5       perhaps gonna send
some disks.....i need often empty disks......or send some
stamps,joysticks,printers,computers,drives,keybords,programmers,girls (must look
very good,you know blond,blue,sweet,fat...(ugh..!!)..forget the last.).....
please do not send your contact adress or something be gonna
speak a short time german....................heil hitler....sieg heil (3
mal) lets return to english..........heil hitler....sieg heil (3
times)..............hey kongo bongo (kongoman)   eigentlich habe ich gar nichts
gegen tuerken........nein im gegenteil.........jeder sollte einen haben (like
the tuerke (tci)).......better we gonna stop now because fates sister is crying
that we are to loude typing on the konw we have an c64
keyboardat the amiga.........switch power off to leave this demo..... servus
everybody !!!!!       ***************                                       
sorry exciter but we need to change the scrolline,because there were to
manny......feler.....bye freaks seeya

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.