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Scroll Text (Greetings Scroll)
impossible, we have a second line only for the greetings: okay you know the old
procedure: at first the mega special regards will go to     stop    are you
ready     really ready for the hard job well then concentrade and hope     7up
crew & trilogy; abc killers; ackerlight; amiga industries; axxess; bamiga sector
one and the kent team and inertia; bca; bfbs; cascade; cbc; cfr; copper crew and
the band; defjam; digi;tech; dma; doc; fac; fairlight and northstar and the
destroyer team; hagar of the connection; hcs; hqc; ian and mic; ikari; jungle
command; magician 42; magnificent force; meditation stoppers; megaforce; oks
import division; quadlite; rage and dynamic systems; random access; red sector;
quadlite; silicon league; sinners; skar; spy and mind; taurus one; tgm crew; the
champs; the general; the knight hawks; the new masters; the light circle; the
organized crime; the unknown five; the young ones; thrust; tretagon; tristar;
unit a and at last vortex 42      _```ahave you found your name:  if not you can
still hope: here is the line for the normal hellos     1001 crew; 4th dimension;
abc; acf; acid; aia; alliance; amazing amiga army; amiga dream team; amiga power
team; amiga team denmark; antitrax; australian cracker united; bad boys; bcs;
blizzard; booties; bros; chrisi; cool; damage inc; danish gold; dark diskhunter;
dcs; deadline; deadly friends; dexion; dma; dominators; dutch usa team; eca;
errorsoft; farmers; firelord; firesoft; flash; flashlight; franky; fun factory;
funx crack band; gca; generation x; gng crew; highlander; hs; ibb; ice;
institute of technical dreams; international mega predators; inxs; jr; jungle
fighter; jewels; lcc; level 1  the dream team; level 4; level 42; leviathan;
lightning; link; lord icon; m3; mad monks; magic; maniacs; marty; megatron;
metalman; micro byte; micro master; micro mix; moc; movers; mpc; mpi; nec; new
edition; new forces; new order; nfc; northern lights; outrunners; pct;
powerslaves; power boys; prophets ag; quest; radwar; rats company; rawhead; rbb;
rdap; reflex; relax; sadistixs inc; sca; scaip; science 451; science frontier;
scrambler; shadows; share and enjoy; sharks; silverghosts; sipc; skyline; smith
and wesson; snake plissken; snake systems; softrunner crew; spreadpoint; spectre
inc; starlight; starline normay; steel pulse; strike force; suicide; supremacy;
swatch; swiss copy force; syntax terror; tae; tbb; tcb; team x; tgc; the amiga
gang; the amiga fighters; the amiga force; the amiga ice; the beagle boys; the
char breaker; the chip duo int; the commodore guys; the connection; the contact;
the crossers; the darkside devision; the dark force; the enemies; the experts;
the fanatic duo; the firm; the gamebusters 1541; the golden master; the great
made; the hunter; the insiders; the invicator; the jackel; the jezebels union;
the lightforce; the nasty three; the new dimension; the new two; the new voice;
the outsiders; the pioneers; the sex boys; the shadows; the silent; the smiths
inc; the softkiller crew; the spok; the squad; the stack; the stars; the
syndicate denmark; the third generation; the top boys; the war falcons; the
warlight; the web inc; the wizards; the zapp; tft; tmco; tms; top; top gun crew;
track seven; triad; tweety soft; twilight zone; twin vision; twizt; uccg; ucs;
unknown warriors; victory; vision; vision factory; visitors; wanderer group;
wapp fire int; warlocks; wizzard; wod; x;men and zapp    _```anow its too late;
we reached the end: at last we would like to introduce you our members: here
they are     andy; arcadia; danse society; doctor mabuse; frankie double team;
nephilims; the ghostdance inc; shadow light; shut berlin; visitor and    nobody 
 do you know nobody: read in homeres odyssee about this interesting guy:      
this text is over now; you better turn to read the other one now

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.