


Depth - Realisation Center BBS IntroDetailsCaseRow
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rEALiSATiON cENTER!...            sYSOP: fiRE mAN!         cO-sYSOP: iSO!       
    +358-31-3716791!         oPERATiNG 24h/dAY!               rUNNiNG wiTh dA
a12oo/68881/345mb hd/6mb mem!            thANX tO:         iSO! 4 dRAWiN' mE
niCE piCTURES...             cAREbEAR 4 thiZ cOOl mOdULE...             rEbEL
kid 4 hELPiN' mE wiTh dA /X...              obLiGATOR 4 hELPiN' mE tOO wiTh
/X...           bEAViS 4 hELPiN' mE wiTh rEXX...                aNd aLL oThERS
whO hELPEd mE aNYkiNd....                     gREETZ:                  aLL dEPTh
rEMEMbER: i didN'T dO `FM&ISO.TXT' ! iSO eiThER!          sO, i thiNk u gOT thAT
FM&ISO.TXT iS rEALLY fAkE.. ....            pC aREA cO-sYSOP nEEdEd!   aNOThER
aMiGA cO-sYSOP nEEdEd!                                                          
    sCROLL rESTARTS....                                                         
hEhEE! diZ sCROLLER sUPPORTS  äLPhÄbETS , ö ...aNd... (=-/&%$!-=) ... tOO!   
sTiLL hERE?                                                      mAYbE u dON'T
hAVE mOUSE?!?                                                                   
                                          thERE wAS nO hiddEN pARTS iN thiS

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.