


Black Monks - Dogs of War +4DetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
black monks in 1989 present doggen sind lame. joke nit war..  now
here comes the alpha flight, alpha flucht story part 2.   first of all i want to
say thats its just lame to release pd stuff like you did  e.g. regnum ..   and
you are also too lame to give us a nickname  because  the name you gave us was
from our own production or to be  exact from ffcs swooper funcrack   and what
about testing your trainers before releasing them ... are you so fast that you
have no time for it or do you do not like your own trainer .... i think that the
last one matches because they are so fucking lame ....or did you copy them with
doscopy plus  this cool menu was coded by ffc . scrolltext written as always by
ftl . the graphics was pixeld by dusk. music mixed by lcd. if you want to get in
touch write to black monks plk 101025 c 4000 duesseldorf 1 west germany. we are
always searching for originals used and new ,so if you have some contact us plk
111500  c 4000 duesseldorf 1   west germany.  very special greetings to tarkus
team know why .. we send normal greetings to all our contacts around the
globe.  dogs of war was originally cracked by quicksilver    c u later

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.