


Exit - RawConverter v1.0DetailsCaseRow

	           raw converter  1.0  doc file

             coded by chrome of exit usa  march 1990

  released europe : december 1990 at the theatre/network copyparty

about the utility

if you're coding programs involving graphics or sound, you should be
well known to the tedious process of loading the images every time you
run the program.
with rawconverter, you can convert these raw-files (image file) into a
source file you can read right into your source.  the raw-data will be
put into table-declarations, and seka will assemble these faster than
the raw-file can be loaded from disk.

important note: source-files take up more space than raw-files do.
		for instance, a 30k  raw-file will create a 90k
		source-file !  therefore, do not even try to convert
		a 100k noisetracker module ... !
		rawconverter is useful for scrolltexts, fonts, logos,
		bobs, etc.


when you start rawconverter, you will be asked to input tabletype.
if you select l (longwords) your table will be declared as longwords,
and this will save some sourcespace.
likewise, w will create a word-table while b declares the data as
bytes.  if the byte-table ends at an odd address, an even statement
(for seka users) will be added to the end.

next, enter the name of the raw-file, and when prompted, enter the
name you of your new sourcefile. remember to add .s to the end, if
you're going to use the source in seka !

that's all, folks.  if you have any questions,
my (chrome's) address is:

torbjørn norbye
skogveien 6
n-2500 tynset

this address changes july - 91.

nb! no swapping !
if you would like to swap with exit usa,
write to comic:
		scott meeker
		1236 dry creek drive
		derby, ks 67037
		usa 		; public domain software only !

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.