


Fulcrum - Targoor's DemoDetailsCaseRow
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what's the name of the crew                  ..<fulcrum>   .È            .....
and the name of this demo                 ..targoor's demo .È               
....this megacool sound was composed by                  ..stranger    ...d   
the hypermega logo pixeled by                  ..berry bc    ...d    the charset
drawn by         olinsky ...d    hey !! but who's the coder
???       ahh, here he is .. it's again         olinsky
...2.......2              ..this demo was released at the escape-spreadpoint
copy party on october the 7th in 1989 !                if you have any troubles
to read the text, the press your right mousebutton to pause it !!               
      well. we had any problems with this powerpiece, but here it is, on your
amiga screen !!!  it's an old wisdom :  the amiga, born a champion !!!!!!       
      our slogan : .. amiga is it - atari is shit !     ..    what do you think
about this demo ?           by the way... hi slash/f : jetzt genug action ??? 
we're waiting for your demo !!!          hi stranger/f : this is our
high-quality-production, isn't it ???          note : we're now also in great
britain !!! hi to the new member !!! hope to hear from you, soon.          there
are again some dudes who must send our ddd back (altair, attrium, lazer (!),
abakus).          we're always looking out for new contacs. if you're interested
to swap with us, then send some ddddddddd to the following address :        
..<fulcrum>  -  plk 000001  -  3186 duedingen  -  switzerland         ..(we have
the first plk in switzerland. it's great !! if you want to have also one, then
go to the next post office and say : 'hey, was ist denn das fuer ein lahmer
laden hier. ich will den geschaeftsfuehrer sprechen !!!' und wenn er kommt :
'einer von uns sitzt tief in der scheisse. entweder gibst du mir ne plk oder ich
hau deinen laden kurz und klein, dass er in einer zuendholzschachtel platz
hat.')            hey leute !! bohrt euch ein loch ins knie und giesst milch
hinein !! dann prost !!                 ..sorry no greetings this time cause we
don't have the complete greetingslist yet. greetings will follow in the next
demo !!            message to all guys who swap with us : hypermega-thanks for
the fantasic new * stuff * and for your cooperation !!!!!! dddd soll'n sie
schicken, dddd soll'n sie schicken, hundert dddd !!!               .. hey
atomics (ex ecf) : are you so stupid, or what's up ?! why do you taken up
citizen in your team (the lamest, the most stupid, the worst and so on..).      
           ..message to plabi kong, the ultimate warrior :
wuerg.brech.kotz.fummel.furz.zeter.mordio.umbring.wandscheiss vor
groehl.nuemenuufhoer.bums.fluch.fick.boehn.rums.splash.jump.bruel.gaehn. ... ...
... do you know, what we mean ???                   uuuaaahhh !! uuuaaahhh !!   
     jetzt sind wir so 'high', dass wir gleich a..b..h..e..b..e..n.. ..!!!      
    hey berry bc, come down !!!  come down, man !!!      rummmms !!!!!!         
... end of transmission for this time ...

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.