


(independent) - Various - Svensk Toppen 02Show AllDetailsCaseRow
Documentation (Swebbs.txt)
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                              :                        :

                              p r e s e n t s

               ________        ________________  __ __________    ______
              / ______ \  __  / ______________ \/_// ______  /   / ____/
    aurora's / /___  / / / / / /_________    / /_ / /___  / /___/ /
    ~~~~~~~~ \____ \/ / / / / / ______  /   / / / \____ \/ ____  /
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   \__  ___ \ / ___ \ / ______/       / /     /_// ___________ \
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   / /___/ / /___/ /_____/ /       / /_____/ /______/ /    / /
  /_______/_______/_______/        \________/________/    /_/
                      all elite board's in sweden!!!
                      ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~
                          +:+:november issue:+:+

board name:         phone-nr:   group name:      sysop:
3 am eternal        092059404   independent      stanton
a base              031221288   independent      cre8or
aces high           041044886   anarchy          norad                     +
ancordia bbs        0858039762  independent      silver
angel city          052113387   x-trade          orgasmatron
another world node0 048088100   crystal          alis                      +
another world node1 048088127   crystal          alis                      +
another world node2 048088159   crystal          alis                      +
atrocity exhibition 054830684   obnoxious        speedy                  new
ausgebombt          052111434   left out         left out                  +
beyond reality      037017210   legend           floyd                   new
channel 4           021357700   x-trade          pripps
coast link          017680568   aurora           cougar                    1
crazy world         086054434   supplex          cyberpunk             new/+
cyberdelica         052358772   ministry         night crawler           new
cyberdome           019118925   independent      cenzor
cyber space         016344488   independent      neuromancer
eagles nest         022511715   accession        porta                   con
elite 7             050313883   shining 8        saxon                     +
equipoise node0     0855080467  noxious          portwer                   +
equipoise node1     0855087642  noxious          portwer                   +
equipoise node2     0855084787  noxious          portwer                   +
far out             040925367   silents          ozone      sysop,number,con
fastline            041812702   2000 ad          fix                       +
final impact        054113486   noxious          core
flashback           086640314   anthrox          cevin key               con
flashtrade          03550910    independent      blaze                   con
foundation          046138039   independent      broder
galactic zone       040221243   triad            shockwave
gang bang           055412133   addonic          chucky
gurus dream node0   08282760    dual crew        snuskbuske (dirtybush)con/+
gurus dream node1   08282761    dual crew        snuskbuske            con/+
gurus dream node2   08282762    dual crew        snuskbuske            con/+
gurus dream node3   08282763    dual crew        snuskbuske            con/+
gurus dream node4   08282764    dual crew        snuskbuske            con/+
hardcore            019123460   hardcore design  casca
hysteria            021352685   addonic          jac
ice palace          04270702    alpha flight     xstaz
imagine             042135505   anal intruders   rille
interchange         086082339   kefrens          princip
interphase          0852027279  tz-design        zin
introspective       03534902    submission       boozo
last resort         02323991    independent      trial
midnight sun        042340849   independent      kaka
minor mishmash      031992525   independent      flabbergast
powerlink           041313802   independent      tropic
pressure point      018323304   2000 ad          the master
purple plexus node0 040424577   aurora           damien                    +
purple plexus node1 040420853   aurora           damien                    +
raising hell        02326893    shining 8        psychopath
seths revenge       032577223   renegade         luca
slime world node0   041145853   addonic          bendel                    +
slime world node1   041145854   addonic          bendel                    +
somewhere in time   040423039   silents          ice
spellbound node0    018463380   triad            poison angel
spellbound node1    018463383   triad            poison angel
spellbound node2    018463381   triad            poison angel
streets of fire     075510498   quartex          mogwai & ministry         +
swiftlink           019262574   triad            harakiri              con,+
the dungeon         040435362   fairlight        damage                  con
the east bbs        08940614    independent      mr thompson           con,+
the inner space     031948725   rage             xpo
the jawball         049034164   unnamed          zune                    new
the last inn        041030063   triad            aragorn
the traders lair    03552451    the codeblasters skywalker                 +
the park            057070033   pyton            phigaro
the ultimate ride   045511163   d mob            turbobrain
the west            031311879   defjam           the baron
total eclipse       031572545   aurora           zcandaler               
traders ground      019128174   division a       quaz                    
traders paradise    091166149   dictators        macroman
trancentral         031585560   fairlight        rebel
unicorn bbs         031581610   independent      guardian
valhalla            054566657   amiexpress dsite skalman
world industrial tra027055477   unnamed          hoe                     new
new     = new since last issue
con     = also console section
+       = also pc section
name    = new board name
number  = new number
sysop   = new sysop
tclosed = temporary closed
1       = coast link is temporary running on 2400!
      swedish elite bbs list updated on 1/11 1992 by zcandaler/aurora
   total 55 boards * new since last time 11 * board's with pc section 14
if you have any information or suggestions of improvements that could be
made in this list or if you don't wan't your bbs to be included we would 
appreciate if you would tell us about it.
post a message to 'zcandaler/aurora' on the purple plexus or total eclipse.
greets to (random): rebel/flt, zipex/aua, extacy/aua, conqueror, sauron,
the master/2000ad, fuzzac/tsl, ozone/tsl, damien/aua, dodger/aua, baron,
skalman, cevin key/atx, chucky/addonic, xpo/rage, zin/tz-dezign, hoson, 
t-phraud/tz-dezign, paradise king/csl, wico, raistlin, night stalker/lsd,
jbm/flt, flyboy/lsd, dust devil/supplex, polaris/afl, spads/afl, 
boozo/submission, night crawler/ministry
and the rest of cool dudes! 
          ___       ___  ___  ___  ___     _  ___  ___  ___
         /__/ /  / /__/ /  / /__/ /__/     / /__/ /__/ ___/
        /  / /__/ /  \ /__/ /  \ /  /     / ___/ ___/ /___               [z]

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.