


Digitech - Autobahn PreviewDetailsCaseRow
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hitchhiker of digital technology is proud to present a demo of the game.autobahn
3001! this game-demo was finished on the vortex-42 copy party in.arvika, may
1988. press fire to play...              instructions: simply.get through the
diffrent levels before the time runs out!.black holes are to be avoided at
(almost) all costs!    red squares down and prevents you from
jumping...     green squares speeds you up,.blue ones make you bounce.  cyan
squares reverses the steering,  purple ones.don't exactly bring the action
forward... white squares activates the.turbo-booster wich can be very helpful
somtimes! yellow... well i guess'll find out sooner or later...  space
pauses the game, fire continues, good luck and may your balls be with
you..........always!!!     .autobahn 3001 is a registred trademark of digital
technology inc. (that.means no cracking, punks!) this great piece of music was
made by our member.blackfly. thanks!            digital technology today
concists of nine.members: ma    blackfly    mr. mike    hawkeye    capt.solo   
the ruler.  grayhawk    the circuit    ...and finally myself, hitchhiker!!!.if
you want to get in touch with us, don't!  we have more than enough.contacts as
it is..........well, okay then, perhaps one more then....or two...   or
fifty!.well now i leave the keyboard to grayhawk....hi everybody out there! i
want to send away a big thanx to amiga lords for.driving me to the party!!! also
a thanx must go to dynamic systems sendings and inviting us to their
copy-party. .ok! let's shout out the greets for today: (no order and no ranking)
vortex 42 .def jam   the softkiller crew   dynamic systems & rage   antitrax
2010   alpha flight.(shut berlin, frankie double team)   tetragon   the amiga
gang   wildcats   .northstar   gigaflops & dominators   oohoo troops   x-men  
trilogy   streamline.  belga live   amiga lords   italian bad boys   anc europe 
 zyx-crackings.  silicon league   the prophets ag   the stack   the round circle
  the robots.  c.b.c   a.u.n.t   vision   the hunters   scs   random access  
tcc.  agile   cds   continental pirate union   fairlight   demolition squad
&.crack force five   sct  and of course we send special hellos to all we.didn't
mention....       by the way,get next number of crackers journal,.cause there
will be an article about this meeting. (of course written by us.).and watch out
for the final version of autobahn 3001.          see you all.on the next party!!
   best wishes, yours digi-tech...

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.