


Beyond Force - Oh No!DetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
for three reasons: 1st, beyond force is back on your mark 14in black-and-white
tv,  2nd, this demo includes  v e c t o r ,  and 3rd, you are not only cursed by
the satanic presence of whole beyond force but also some elysionists are here to
torture every innocent scrolltextnarcoman watching this piece of filled
memory...                        b this is destino of elysion typing right now
(can i send hellos now? mom and granny, and toni and mika and jukka o.
jotakin and...)  cut! cut! cut!  oh no...  this show is gonna be a total
disaster...    (shut up director, you only exist in my mind so i have an
absolute control over you. now, vanish!!!)   oh nooo...  (fading)          c ha.
it is me, destino, who  r u l e z  this reality, and dont you argue or you will
meet your maker violently and suddenly, like that poor fella...  i am the best,
i am the boldest, there is no might to compete me...   ...oh, hrmh, hello guys,
so you are back from sauna, uhm, well, of coz you can write, no,i was just
leaving...   hehe...  hrmh...  be seeing you?..   ...bye...                 d  
ermh...   this is sage who just added the quantitity of caffeine in his blood by
eating two pills...  i cannot do anything but love the healthly living...   it
is my destiny (destino??, who is just (i think) emptying his body in the toilet)
  stupids lives flying in and out every time the eyes are opened by my mastering
ideas of being and doing in this depressing reality of irrationality.   too much
of unclear and  non-understandable thoughts by the man(?) who is unable to even
concentrate on his (its) perfectly created world...    next on to do nothing.   
           boh no!  me back. me destino. me just emptied my body to fill it
again (aint life weird) with some (robbed) toasts with cheese and a little bit
mustard, not gastronomic masterstroke but beats toffeesardins for sure.  me just
spending another perfect day in hell, here are many people doing wicked things
around, going really has got tough lately, next to me is a batchair, a bit quiet
but very comfortable thing, cross the room i can see hazor, max, mr. sam, sam,
boss, sage, pioneer and gremlin, hear a weird mixture of amigamusic, moviesounds
(full metal jacket) and voice by tnt and, above everything, s m e l l  jake...  
(he just brutally sat on my good friend batchair and is joyfully drinking some
kind of homemade booze (kilju for finnish spurgus, i have a weird imagination
scream would not be quite a correct translation (?))    oh no!!!   i lost the
point, if there ever was any... (look, there were three of them?!)   ...hhmmm.  
even this is not my or even our demo, i feel very free to write some greets
down:  jake greets  matti, eka, esa, jogi (saa-tanan tyhmaa) ja mitas viela, 
hazi greets  ei kukaan,  sam says hi to  suuri kurpitsa (the great pumpkin),
joulupukki (the old fart), paasiaispupu (kani kun kani) and ali baba and the 39
villains (one of the villains was an asshole), ilmestyskirjan peto (beast of
apocalypse, whom he warmly welcomes to have couple pins of bitters soon again), 
tnt sends greets to mummo (kotiin) ja vaari (hautaan),  sage sends warmest and
nicest awe-filled regards to  elisabet, esko, ike, toimi, tom of finland, kauko,
seppo, eeva, jorn, jomppa, telle, bontta ja kaikille muille huolehtivaisille
sedille ja tadeille (...) and, most important, mamille...  oh, and himuli (no
dont you ask me what that name stands for and  w h y ...) greets hero-eero and
sanpo, and dalton of complex just to make him happy.   (jake puhuu suluissa: 
minun taytyy ehdottomasti lahettaa parhaimmat kiitokset libresse clip:n
suunnittelijoille, silla se soveltuu erinomaisesti minulle ja pitaa kuivana koko
paivan...)     winner of the thing of the week-competition is (ta-daa)  the  a l
i e n p a m p p u  alias rubberstick from outer space to express and carry out
various freudian complexes...               cthis genious piece of equipment is
proudly owned by sam, and we offer 50 pounds to wiseass who figures out any  s e
n s i b l e  usage for it...    buogh, dessy passes out for some intellectual
advanced aliemphgrshcbj.    and heeeeeereeeeees sam !! i just wished for this
machine for the purpose of writing some ingenious and striking humorous
sentenses, but for my misery i just noticed the mere fact that i have nothing to
say...but our aim is to have more text than the demo has code, so it is our
inevitable mission to write series of letters forming words, but absolutely no
sensible sentenses... now a stupid jokes in finnish : jalkapallo-ottelu
jouduttiin keskeyttamaan : maalivahdit liian juovuksissa, eivat pysyneet
tolpillaan... viikon virallinen palindromi : aperitiivikulaus sokaisi anaani.i.
viinaa, naisia, kossua, luki viiti-repa... ja toinen : toni tikki, rivo aava ile
kaasuttaa. aattu, saakeli, avaa ovi. rikki tinot... ja lisaa : oo, nai, levita
tussu, tati, veli anoo... ja : isan naki kotirouvat, pissakolat a.vuori toki
kannasi... ja taas : iski simultaaniavomiehenne heimovainaat lumisiksi... and
that is enought of the palindromic..just yksi lisaa : eka jake...: tilaa iso
saavi, ivaa sosiaalit....nyt piisaa !!  and the text continues in english though
the finnish pallidromit must have dropped out every god damn idiot who might
have otherwise read this pathetic scroll to this far, which is in even more
pathetic to read this scroller so far.... now i will leave these keys for those
to come...(who are those ? are they ? do they exist ? is the time and universe
curved or just fucking totally twisted ? why does it smell bad when you stick
your head in a hairy ass while it is pushing out an earthshattering
hellofashitloadandpileofshitfart ? )    ...oh no!!!   jezus lives, easter is
cancelled and destino is back on your face in this
never-to-be-read-scrolltext...    oh no!!!  life is so hard, people are so tough
and littlesister will not lend her barbie.   a deep depression swallows
everything, there is no reason to live anymore...  this sounds familiar, doesnt
it?  but now, there is a solution...   change your way of living and start a  n
e w  l i f e  i n  j e s u s !!!    write a note with the date of your turning
to:  myllykummun jengityokeskus,  29880 levasjoki,  finland...   piece with you.
   ...always remember:  ilman naisia suomi pysahtyisi!              vitun hyva
tuoli kirjottaa!!! argh, tnt here to make your miserable life even worse...  i
dont know who managed to sell this chair to our bold host hemuli but he must
have been genius (or then hemuli-kimuli-pimuli is nuts?) sage should stop
spitting half-eaten 5.25 disk all over the place.  we (me, hemuli, destino and
our pet jake) just came from our see-arrakoski-by-night-tour.  we even managed
to see one car passing by only bout 100 meters away.. wow!!  (how come man never
has a camera with oneself during those highlights of life?!.. -destino) i wonder
what neighbours here are thinking about weird-looking bad-smelling creatures
roaming around their backyards, digging trashcans just to find nothing to eat...
 i guess lepra farts from bjont fors wont get ready on this meat-thing as
activities of those semi-intelligent aliens surrounding me are as far from
creating anything (yes, just anything (xcept large clouds of greenish gas)) as i
am from enjoying sitting in this terrible chair, writing just to make sure
nobody will read the next writer (if any)...  anyway, here i sit just to tell
that max is relaxing with alienpamppu (tm) and will soon gain archmaster level
in get-yer-pleasure-peace-of-mind-and-everything-with-rubberstick...   better
leave this chair before it kills me, but before it: dont climb to eucalyptus
tree tonight!!      yo!, (says nigger) it is mr.sam writing... yes, i am not
sam, i am mr.sam or himuli (not hemuli....). that is very clear, is not ? one
thing sam forgot to say is  f u c k  morosow! he ignored two of our goals, if he
would have been fair we would have beaten the old hokans! people are getting
tired here, even sam went to sleep. this is great meeting-place, we have even
runnig water in the main building (sams home..). here is also very nice sauna,
where we were some hours ago. did you knew that bathing in snow is really
something that you all should try. nice angels sage!    oh no!!!   it is not
over.  it is 4 o clock in the morning, and the very only reason for me to write
any more text here is that we simply  m u s t  be able to create over 10 kilos
of text...   (oh no)    commercial break:  watch out for our (elysion) somewhere
in time coming 1st demo on amiga, supposed to be a complete winner...  it may
take a while to finish it (it is already some 1.5 years late) but if you have
really been reading this text this far you have enuff patience to wait for it as
well...   hahaha   (hollow laughter, dontcha think...)   oh no!!!   i have not
sent out any real greetngs yet.  ta-daa: now follows the thing you all have been
waiting for (hyvin paskaista naurua): greetings from the one and only (thank
your gods or my parents) destino...   to: ecashg of ibb (if you are reading this
i do not wonder all your years delays, try to rationalize you timeusing...),
elvin of rebels (my oh my, there is no way to make me believe you have read this
except use the word minipore in your next letter), malcom of energy (you told me
you are a scrollmaniac but dont you think this is insane? if not, there is
nothing to worry about... ...anymore...), panther of eoc1999 (how are wife and
kids?), drake of godknowswhichgroup (it aint you who reads anyway, you have been
mislead), everybody in elysion (joopa joo), everybody in beyond force (what a
waste), everybody (jezus loves you all so why in hell i should bother), me (dont
you know it may endanger your sanity to chat with yourself, talking to plants
may help them grow but you are big enuff), orc of vision (i am alive, how about
you?..), kaikki suomenkieliset (teilla on etuoikeus tajuta tama viesti) and the
rest.  ...talking about rest, i think this is about time to quit, but dont
party, i, we and many more will be back...    o h   n o ! ! ! ! !

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.