


Celtic - Bob Revolution (700 Bobs)Show AllDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text (First Part Scroll)
hi there!  welcome to our new demo called        bob revolution!        that,
what you are watching, is no dream! for some guys, it will be a pretty
nightmare.....   these bobs, you are seeing, are  n o t  only 430 bobs! (hi
mr.gurk/phenomena!).....  they are  n o t  just lame 500 or 600 ! the number of
these bobs is     7 0 0    !!!. yes, you are reading it right! ... at first some
coding facts from me (crown): if you wanna beat this record, you have to notice,
that: i am using the whole screen (320 in x-direction, 232 in y-direction), the
bobs have the format 8 x 8 pixels on screen but i am blitting. 7 times two
words. the bobs have 3 colors (as you can see), we dont cheat with sprites! all
bobs are printed on the screen with the blitter! next to the bobs, this demo has
got two scrollers and a nice, 4 voices using noisetracker-sound......       so
if you wanna beat our record, be sure that all facts mentioned before. are
included..........and now a little message to humanoids:  you have 929 bobs, but
they are only 4 pixels high !!! and thats no problem ..... but nevertheless, i
want to send some special greetz to these groups and guys, who still are some of
the leading bob-routine-coders:  mr.gurk of phenomena,  complex,  neutron dance,
 humanoids and upfront  and  scoopex...... at the end of this part of our demo,
i wanna tell you our headquarter-address:             p l k  0 7 0 0 1 0  d     
         4 4 5 0   lingen/ems           west germany..........and know, press
the. right

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