


Fairlight - Struma Cancer BoozedDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
ok, this is strider of the fucking best!!! we are fucking best!! hehe....ok, we
are fucking best... we are all fucking drunk... its now me and rebel., damage
and gaston and my almighty brother from the 64 scene aaron... there is .no
competition... i always write the fucking best scrolltexts... dont you.remember
them from the 64 scene!??? hehe.. .well... foooocky you... coz.thats what
steeeeeelker says... ok, zelnikkkkkkk told me so... now we are.having some more
beeeeer.... i hope nisse can code this shiiiite.... coz.he is fuckign drunk as
an alika... he jumped a hojdhopp into a big.buske...  then he wanted to sleep
there... i also pbxed to the fucking.nummerupplysning for a babe for a fucking
blowjob... but the fuckign flata.jumped out of the deal... damn fooooock
yoooooyyy.... my name is stelker.and i got a 10000 dollars phonebill...
heheheheh... fairlight ruuuulez!!!!!!!   .ok, we picked the lamest stuff for
this so called demo coz we are all .fooocking drunk... hick... now we pause this
shiiiite....           .its now the next morning and everyone got a fucking
headache, but we sure.had a lot of fun last nite... at least i hope so! damn
fucking beer was we just could not help getting drunk... bah and the
bitches in sweden.are the foooooocking best! ok, gaston and rebel totally cant
handle alcohol.when they get drunk after only a couple of beers... damn me and
damage and.griffith drank soo much more coz everyone tries to surpass the
others, but.of course i drank the most... no.1 of wcc... huh!? h0h h0h... gamla
kult.minnen eller va sager ni? you can see this scroll is more sensible now
coz.i am sobering up! ok, i better leave the kbd to someone else now... . ...
and that person is of course the unatainable rebel.  haha, we drank.alot of as hell. god, i just love the posters on striders.wall... two nearly
naked girls, an american flag in the background and the.slogan: we are looking
for a few good men!! yeah hey girls, here i am!!!.  don't take this production
too serious...its a rushjob but who gives a.shit?? haha we also broke into a
car....i stole a couple of musictapes and.aaron stole a panasonic freestyle. vi
e himla kriminella i fairlight.jomen!! ok, keep this scroll to its end, we have
got a surprise also managed to hack a card as well... hey this
is exolon.typing in this fucking scrolltext.... ok, never eat a whopper meal on
a.burger king in denmark... the meat tastes like a catdick... you will
get.poisonous struma if you eat it.. yezzz.. winedruuvs rules. watch out for.the
next startrekker... it kicks ass. ok i do not wanna write more now. see.ya
later...   and from all of us to all of you...   have a nice summer!!!.      
the fairlight crew

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.