


Vision - Airwolf IntroDetailsCaseRow
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vision   ð.ð.is not proud to present ð.          ð. the airwolf
introð.ð.ð. godverdegodver... this was made ð.a long loooong ð.
looooooongð. tooo looooongð. time ago!!!ð.ð.ð.                    ð. this
low budged coding was done by tsm...ð.  very low budgedð.logo made by
facet!!!!!!! cool airwolf music by my brother hein design........ you know...
the old 'hph' ð.ð.ð.ð.                     ð.vision,born to be
coolð.ð.ð.ð.ð.ð.ð.ð.          yeeeaaaaahhh                     ð. here
is .. f a c e t.. to inform you........ do you know why??? because shock was
kicked out ... (he he he he) and why ???? because he didn't swap for two months
and with only three contacts ...  lame or what !!! .. and now an other
thing..... if you want to be an article writer of our new magazine , then
contact me fast !! write to ð. vision , burg.van.erplaan   eleven   , five one
seven one   jz kaatsheuvel , holland ........ ð.ð.ð. you cannot write to this
address for swapping..... why that ???? because of all the reactions i already
got from all kind of freaks ... .... if you want to join us , send a logo,music
or demo for example and send it to me ... i will take care for the rest ...
vision is also looking for spreaders.... if you have good contacts and friends
than send your contact list and a report of your history on amiga ..... like :
how long do you have your amiga and how old are you? , and if you have been in
an other group before ....... send fast friends..... about the logo !!! sorry
fans but the logo is mega , ultra , giga old and i made it a very long time ago
and it was put in this intro also a long time ago.. i would make a new logo for
this intro but i had no time left for doing it because i am busy to draw for a
karate,pacman and shooting game .....  bye bye fans , and see you in our
magazine and megademo five ........o jep .. i almost forgot to give you our new
memberlist !! here it is : tsm , facet , jetaza , blo , timelord , stingray ,
crackerjack ...... see you friends

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.