


X-Men - Bloodsuckers Party DemoShow AllDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text (Lower Scroll)
hello hello.... this scrollberry contains:   1.credits  2.greetings  .3.our
adresses  4.bullshit....      but first i wanna greet. my colleague  d r u c e r
 from deathstar(*+!!)    phuuh... now i feel. much more relaxed.... here are the
credits:  all code by icebreaker",. fonts by the ripper" and zados", x-men" sign
by the ripper"  and the. beat-full (bpm 138!!!) track by yip" of pure-byte"
(thanx pal.... keep. on swetting in the army man....(not a joke!!))      
then.... hurray!!!. the greetings!!!!    ha ha ha ah ah ah ah ah haa....  the
very special. hellos must go to (z-a):  ackerlight < agile (bbc) < defjam
(kenth) < ipec. elite (per) < impact inc (moby) < jungle command (john) < thrust
< trilogy .< wow < yes (andre) and of course x-men uk!!!!   the farting finnish
.hellos (z-a):    x-beat (partypig-irwin) & pure-byte (master musicians) &
.freedom force (our finnish spreaders) & deathstar(*+) & ddg (waiting for your.
next party) & byterapers (growling grendel) & accession (juha-possu) .     buhh
huhh.... now the normal farts (z-a):  zigag -  weird science - .vision factory -
tta - tsk-crew - triangle - triad - transcom - top swap - .thorax - the web inc
- the silents (anal-animal) - the lords - the last science - .the federation
empire - the expert systems - the band - tetragon - techno .force - tcd int. -
tcc - tartan army - sunriders - sub-zero - steel pulse - .squadron - spy $% mind
- softrunner crew - sdc - sct - scg - red sector - .rawhead - rasta catcha of
bs1 - rage $% dns (wow) - quoram - quest - quackers .- prophets ag - powerstack
- powerboys - outsider - orion (wow) - oracle - .north star - nfc - network -
nato - megaforce - lfi usa - lacc - jewels - .inxs - indy inc - ikari - ice -
ibb $% digi-tech $% knight hawks - ian $% mic - .hunters - hotline - horizon -
hcs '4220 - goonies - glass - funx crack band .- freestyle uk - fredox - fdc -
enemies - empire - election - dbs - .dominators - dexion - cosmos - cobra - cff
- ccs - cascade - bros - beastie .boys - bcs - bamiga sector one - bad boys -
axenon - amiga lords - amiga .industries (wow) - acu - acid - academy        oh
my god..... if you. have read this all through,i must say that you are really
sick ######......   hey..... the adresses..... oh shit....... ha ha cheated
you!!. now i will only give you our phone-numbers:    call = (358)-31-181527
(peter) && = (358)-51-22544 (pete). && = (358)-10-58393 (axa) && =
(358)-37-45077 (allu)    that's all. now.       get out now!!!             (that
was a command!!!) (jungle?).               text restarts......    hello
hello.... this fuckberry. includes some nasty farts (try them for smell!!!)     
wehf iiiihararrrr. dsa burpata (that was russian!!!)           bye you

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.