
Released in 1992-03


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46 Results (151-196 of 196): Released in 1992-03 (Calendar View)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Capital Dentro No1 Demo 1992-03-17 e Y 3054
Black Monks Jaguar Playable Beta Cracktro 1992-03-23 e Y e8fca33a 12103
Balance Suffocation BBS Intro Intro 1992-03-20 e Y 60297190 8864
Backslash Med-Sine Intro 1992-03-13 e Y P  e48537ab 9647
Backlash Cebit 92 Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y P Tag  5617043d 8865
Axis Bad Karma Demo 1992-03-21 e Y P  454fc46e 2748
Axis Femur Bundle 053 Pack 1992-03 d Co  00ec6e1d 16385
Axis Femur Bundle 054 Pack 1992-03 d Co  9fbc4eff 16386
Axis Femur Bundle 055 Pack 1992-03 d Co  c8ccdd22 16387
Axis Femur Bundle 056 Pack 1992-03 d Co  88baf846 16388
Axis Femur Bundle 057 Pack 1992-03 d Co  aec18a28 16389
Axis Femur Bundle 058 Pack 1992-03 d Co  467ce900 16390
Axis Femur Bundle 059 Pack 1992-03 d Co  93a8e611 16391
Axis Femur Bundle 060 Pack 1992-03 d Co  fcb48d6c 16457
Axis Femur Bundle 061 Pack 1992-03 d Co  cdef57e0 16458
Axis Femur Bundle 062 Pack 1992-03 d Co  f07dd48e 16459
Awesome BBS Commercial Demo 1992-03 e Y 85ff3ce1 2735
Awesome BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y a27d9ef0 2726
Awake BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y P  1bde7fe9 2710
Awake Infant 03 Mag 1992-03-10 d Y be696102 295
Atomic Ice's Inro Intro 1992-03 e Y c7997aff 2692
Arise BBS Intro Demo 1992-03 e Y 3736f867 2631
Arise Don't Walk Demo 1992-03-31 e Y 90b1e56a 2633
Arise Travellog 1 Mag 1992-03-18 a Y n/a 9749
Anthrox Apache Flight +2 Trainer 1992-03-28 e Y 40e5ed55 15812
Anthrox Harlequin +5 Trainer 1992-03-01 e Y Cr Tag  1b896f68 14486
Anthrox Titus the Fox +3 Trainer 1992-03-12 e Y f9aa0bb0 9816
Antagon Damage Demo 1992-03 e Y c54f27e2 9661
Animators Old Daddy 02 Mag 1992-03-14 d Y P  903a0663 1165
Anarchy Demo Dolly Mixture 21 Pack 1992-03 d Y Co  a9ac7b08 15
Anarchy Infestation 49 Pack 1992-03 d Co  c18e5968 7865
Amnesia Plastic Dots Intro 1992-03-14 e Y P  8fb5820b 2392
Amaze Vector Dream Demo 1992-03-02 e Y 78dbbc08 2361
Altair Power Pack 13 Pack 1992-03-10 d Co  1db673da 433
Altair Reborn Demo 1992-03-10 e Y b530dd3b 2345
Alpha Flight Swedish Traders March 92 Chart 1992-03 d Y 31a14a43 1230
Alchemy Toxic Ziemniak Trackmo 1992-03-28 d Y P  6affdea3 1098
Addonic Confession Pack 06 Pack 1992-03 d Co  89471b1c 192
Addonic Message Center 05 Mag 1992-03-28 d Y 963e5cf0 2207
Addonic Message Center 05 Intro Intro 1992-03-28 e Y b08bd992 10207
Acume Cebit 92 Demo 1992-03-14 e Y P  7967fa4f 2198
Acume Little Meeting Intro Intro 1992-03-11 e Y 271e20e6 2201
Action Direct Hexadecimal Perfection Trackmo 1992-03-28 2d Y P  1a41c20c
Accession Black Hole to Noble House Intro 1992-03 e Y Cr Txt  0cefade9 2154
(unknown) Partyline BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y ac25901f 9767
(independent) Frank and Hammer - Best 2400bps Uploaders 02 Chart 1992-03 e Y 1c12dbbb 10584
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