
Released in 1992-03


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50 Results (51-100 of 196): Released in 1992-03 (Calendar View)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
TRSI Misery Dentro Demo 1992-03-14 e Y P Cr Tag  b6d41f75 8091
TRSI Misery Dentro Final Version Demo 1992-03 e Y P  ef143ab8 8092
Willow Quartz Meeting Dentro Demo 1992-03 e Y ddc16112 13292
Altair Reborn Demo 1992-03-10 e Y b530dd3b 2345
Quadriga Revolution Final Version Demo 1992-03-26 e Y b18e225a 10206
Cytax Seedless Insomnia Demo 1992-03 e Y 3324b593 3405
Enzym Swapptro Demo 1992-03 e Y 3544
Amaze Vector Dream Demo 1992-03-02 e Y 78dbbc08 2361
Old Bulls Xenium Demo 1992-03-28 a Y P  n/a 12553
LSD Doc Disk 28 Docs 1992-03 d Y a424169d 13320
LSD Doc Disk 29 Docs 1992-03 d Y a6a0a3e9 13321
Complex Smash the Beast Game 1992-03-02 e Y cd389034 16500
Chemistry AEA Is Now Chemistry Intro 1992-03-14 e Y P  4d63b7be 9649
Rebels Assembly 1992 Info Intro 1992-03-19 e Y Cr Tag  7f37f107 6471
The Silents BAD Advertisement Intro 1992-03 e Y 5ad3b1b1 9089
Awake BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y P  1bde7fe9 2710
Awesome BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y a27d9ef0 2726
Vanish Black Clouds BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y Cr  b56178a1 8236
Accession Black Hole to Noble House Intro 1992-03 e Y Cr Txt  0cefade9 2154
Paradise Boardtro Intro 1992-03 e Y Tag  b02bc484 5675
Risk Inc Cebit 92 Intro 1992-03-14 e Y P  af72deca 9549
Backlash Cebit 92 Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y P Tag  5617043d 8865
Treacl Cebit 92 Intro Intro 1992-03-14 e Y P  676a5313 7986
Deffpaccers Cebit Greetings Intro 1992-03-14 e Y P  d9f9c0a1 9748
Enigma Coder Wanted Desperately Intro 1992-03 e Y 02107b53 9136
TRSI Easter Conference 92 Belgium Invitation Intro 1992-03-12 e Y P  021ffc6e 8102
Phenomena Easter Conference Invitation Intro 1992-03 e Y P Cr Tag coop with Light 92bcbd48 5845
Fairlight Fairlight Trading Ab Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y 328e00da 9660
Tech Faxtro Intro 1992-03 e Y Tag  b58e86da 7568
Frantic Frantic Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y Tag  347c6844 3933
Solaris Friday 13 Intro 1992-03-13 e Y Tag  30e1bb3c 12004
Crusaders Gathering 1992 Invitation Intro 1992-03 e Y P Tag coop with Deadline e968d377 3305
Sundance & Hellrazor Gintro Intro 1992-03 e Y f7494b5d 12819
Atomic Ice's Inro Intro 1992-03 e Y c7997aff 2692
Metallians Interphase BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y 5e96827e 17797
Majic 12 Lintro Intro 1992-03 e Y 3ed881f7 5002
Mercure Little BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y 010477b1 10955
Quartz Little Darling Intro 1992-03 e Y 5abac29b 12830
Falcons Little Intro Intro 1992-03-11 e Y e35f6b9c 9426
Acume Little Meeting Intro Intro 1992-03-11 e Y 271e20e6 2201
Desire Manriki BBS Intro Intro 1992-03-21 e Y P  ad069fbb 1749
Backslash Med-Sine Intro 1992-03-13 e Y P  e48537ab 9647
Reality Memtro Intro 1992-03-14 e Y P  d9190eb9 9648
Addonic Message Center 05 Intro Intro 1992-03-28 e Y b08bd992 10207
Desire New HQ Address Intro 1992-03 e Y 5f3d5c8c 1752
Paragon Norway Intro Intro 1992-03-02 e Y 9d82a7c0 5740
Creators Party Invitation Intro 1992-03 a Y n/a 13679
(unknown) Partyline BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y ac25901f 9767
Enigma Phyllobates Terribilis Intro 1992-03-27 e Y Tag  9b6a3eea 13877
Enigma Phyllobates Terribilis Alternate Version Intro 1992-03 e Y 802a7b7d 13878
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